Russulales » Russulaceae » Russula

Russula zonaria

Russula zonaria Buyck & Desjardin [currenct name: Multifurca zonaria (Buyck & Desjardin) Buyck & V. Hofst. 2008]

Index Fungorum number: IF 489077

Pileus 50-110 mm diam., plano-convex, depressed; margin wavy to lobed and strongly incurved; surface moist to subviscid, watery-zonate, glabrous, wrinkled to rugulose, canescent, dull, splotchy with areas of white intermixed with areas of light orange (5A3-4), orange (5A6) and brownish orange (6C6-8). Lamellae adnate, crowded, often forked and anastomosing, very narrow (2-3 mm high), orangish white (5A2) when young, becoming dark grayish orange (5B5-6) in age. Stipe 20-45 x 12-20 mm, eccentric, narrowed downward, hollow, irregularly terete, brittle; surface felted to matted – tomentose at the base, nearly glabrous above, dingy buff overall. Latex absent. Context up to 10 mm thick, watery-zonate, dingy off-white, unchanging, brittle. Odor strong, pungent, somewhat like latex paint, acrylic-chemical. Taste mild. Spores orange in mass. Basidiospores very small, 5.10-5.34-5.70 (6.25) × (4.33)4.32-4.59-4.85(5.29) μm, Q = (1.10)1.16 (1.25), ornamentation composed of a strongly amyloid, partial network of low, obtuse ridges and some occasional, obtuse warts; suprahilar spot poorly developed, not amyloid, sometimes verrucose. Basidia 40-44 × 7-9 μm, slightly inflated in their upper part, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, not particular in any way. Cystidia not observed and either extremely rare or absent. Pseudocystidia dispersed, subcylindrical, 4-8 μm diam., tortuous-sinuous, corresponding to the endings of sometimes branching, thin-walled extremities of vascular hyphae; these sparsely filled with oily-refringent contents, not or hardly reacting in sulfovanillin. Marginal cells not observed, the edge of the lamellae being a rather poorly developed zone with sparse basidia and pseudocystidia. Lamellar trama with vascular hyphae reminding of lactifers, although with atypical (i.e. not crystalline) contents in congo-red. Pileipellis poorly developed, enti- rely orthochromatic in cresyl blue, one-layered, a loose cutis of entangled, narrow hyphae of nearly equal diam., 3-5 μm diam., sparsely septate, simply rounded at the apex, without any differentiation into special structures as in most other Russula ; pileocystidia absent ; pseudocystidia with very poorly differentiated, slightly refringent contents, sinuous near the extremities, sparsely ramified, similar to hymenial pseudocystidia, but even more difficult to differentiate. Stipitipellis similar to pileipellis. Clamp connections absent in all tissues.

Scattered in soil under Dipterocarpus costatus in primary montane forest. Thailand: Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep, Sangra Sabhasri Lane to Huai Kok Ma Village, elev. 1200 m, 3 July 2002, D.E.Desjardin 7442 (SFSU, BBH, PC???)


Fig. 1 Russula zonaria (holotype), Dried basidiomes. Note the strong concentrical zonation near the

margin of the cap.


Fig. 2 Russula zonaria (holotype): 1 – Spores. 2 – Basidia and basidiola. 3 – Hymenial pseudocystidia. 4  Pseudocystidia and hyphal extremities of pileipellis. 5 – Oleiferous hyphae of subpellis-trama transition.



Buyck B, Desjardin DE. 2003   Russula zonaria, a new species of Russula subsect. Ochricompactae from Thailand. Cryptogamie Mycologie 24(2), 111 116.


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Supported by 
National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) 

Project entitled:
“Total fungal diversity in a given forest area with implications towards species numbers, chemical diversity and biotechnology” (Grant no. N42A650547).


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