Russulales » Russulaceae » Russula

Russula cf. chloroides

Russula cf. chloroides

Pileus 20 – 50 mm diam., convex when young, then plane with a depressed centre or infundibuliform when mature, surface slightly viscid when moist, yellowish white (N155D) to pale yellow (161D), margin incurved when young and becoming upturned when mature, smooth to slightly striate at margin. Lamellae 20–40 mm wide, adnexed to decurrent, close to slightly crowded, white (N155C), easily fragile, unchanging when bruised, with lamellulae in 1–2 series, edge entire. Stipe 15–25 × 8–10 mm, central, narrowly clavate with broadened or tapered base, surface smooth, white (N155D), discolouring brownish in age. Context solid to stuffed or hollow when mature in stipe, white. Taste mild. Odour indistinct. Spore print white. Basidiospores 8.5–11.75 × 6.5–7.5 μm (Q= 1.31 –1.42 – 1.57), sub globose to ellipsoid, ornamentation compost of amyloid warts, sometimes connecting lines forming an incomplete reticulum, mostly lower than 1 μm high. Basidia 35–65.5 × 8.5–13.5 μm, subclavate to pyriform, with 4 spores; sterigmata 1.00 – 2.51 μm long. Pleurocystidia 67.5 –85 × 8.5 – 15.5 μm, not abundant, fusoid to lanceolate, with mucronate to capitate, thin-walled. Cheilocystidia not found. Lamellar trama composed of numerous sphaerocytes surrounded by connective hyphae; sphaerocytes globose to elliptical. Pileipellis palisade to trichopalisade.

Note: Russula cf. chloroides and R. chloroides were similar in terms of having the same macroscopic morphology, and basidiospore shape and size were undistinguishable. But Russula cf. chloroides differs from R. chloroides by not having the bluish-green band around the top of the stem where the gills join the stem.

Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree of eight Russula specimens, one Lactarius specimen (indicated in bold), and some reliable best-hit sequences from GenBank database using Maximum Likelihood method. Number at the node indicates bootstrap values. Termitomyces microcarpus was used as an outgroup.