Russulales » Russulaceae » Lactarius

Lactarius longipilus

Lactarius longipilus Van de Putte, Le & Verbeken

Mycobank: MB518946

Basidiocarps medium-sized to rather large. Pileus 55115 mm diameter, depressed to deeply infundibuliform when mature, margin regular to somewhat irregularly wavingundate, surface dry, velvety, smooth or slightly rugose in the centre, radially rugose near the margin, dark brown to reddish brown (7E87E6 to 8D78E7) in the centre, gradually getting paler and with more orange tinge towards the margin (6C86D7 to 5AB6) or margin concolourous with the centre, with or without small papilla. Lamellae subdecurrent to decurrent with small tooth, pale cream (4AB4), discolouring pale brown when bruised (6D56), crowded (1016L+l/cm), rather broad (34 mm), with 34 series of lamellulae, edge smooth and concolourous. Stipe 7590×715 mm, cylindrical to slightly tapering upwards, centrally attached, surface dry, velvety, longitudinally rugose, brownish orange (6C86E76E87E77E8). Latex copious, sticky, white, unchanging when isolated, ultimately becoming coffee-and-milk coloured (5A35B3) on lamellae, no reaction or becoming pale cream (4A3) with KOH 10%. Context moderately thick in pileus, solid in stipe, cream, turning brownish after cut, smell slightly fishy, taste mild. Macrochemical reactions context turning yellowish with KOH 10%, greyish green reaction with FeSO4. Basidiospores 7.68.4–8.89.8(10.5)×6.97.7–8.19.0(9.1) μm, subglobose (Q=; ornamentation amyloid; ridges up to 2.12.3 μm high, with rather sharp edges and forming a regular to slightly irregular complete or almost complete reticulum, warts between the ridges rare;  strong amyloidity between the ridges; plage distally to almost completely amyloid. Basidia 4565×1014 μm, clavate to subclavate, mostly 4-spored, occasionally 2-spored. Pleurolamprocystidia 35115×69(10) μm; wall 13.5 μm; fusiform to subfusiform, acuminate, emergent, arising from the subhymenium, abundant. Pleuropseudocystidia 46.5 μm diam., cylindrical, lobed or strongly tortuose, apex obtuse, emergent, scarce to abundant. Lamellae-edge fertile, composed of basidia and cheilocystidia. Cheilocystidia 15 75×39 μm; thin walled and hyaline to thick-walled (0.53 μm); fusiform to subfusiform or irregularly shaped, acuminate or with slightly obtuse apex, outline sometimes

wavy. Hymenophoral trama cellular, with abundant lactifers and rosettes of sphaerocytes. Pileipellis a lampropalisade; subpellis 50100 μm thick, composed of rounded to elongated or irregularly shaped, thick-walled cells (865 × 545 μm); terminal elements very long and slender; 10130×36.5 μm; wall 0.52 μm; subcylindrical to subfusiform with tapering apices, slightly acuminate or obtuse apex, outline straight to wavy, often septate.


Studied material: THAILANDChiang Mai Province, Doi Inthanon National Park, junction of Highway 1009 and road to Mae Chem, N19°31.58E98°29.64, alt. 1700 m, humid montane rainforest with Castanopsis sp., Lithocarpus echinops, Quercus sp. etc., 16 July 2004, Le 184 (CMU, GENT, MFLU, SFSU)ibid., July 2004, Le 206 (CMU, GENT, MFLU, SFSU)Chiang Mai Province, Tung Joaw, N19°0628.8E98°38.09, alt. 1300 m, forest with Castanopsis spp., Lithocarpus sp., Pinus kesiya, 30 August 2003, Le 273 (CMU, GENT, MFLU, SFSU)ibid., 30 June 2003, Verbeken and Walleyn 04-160 (= Le 168) (holotype CMU, isotype GENT, MFLU, SFSU).

Note: L. longipilus can be confused with L. acicularis. For discussion, see under that species.

Fig. 1 ML phylogram of Lactarius volemus sensu lato from northern Thailand based on LSU, ITS and rpb2 nuclear sequences. Posterior probability values of the BI-MrModeltest analysis (runs 25) are added. Bootstrap values 75% and posterior probabilities 85% are shown. Underlined taxa occupy uncertain positions. Branches in bold lead to well supported clades. The following abbreviations are used: AV: A. Verbeken, AVRW: A. Verbeken & R. Walleyn, BB: B. Buyck, DED: D.E. Desjardin, DS: D. Stubbe, JV: J. Vauras, KIINA: M. Härkönen, KVP: K. Van de Putte, LTH: H.T. Le, N: M. Noordeloos, RH: R. Halling, RW: R. Walleyn.

Fig. 2 Lactarius longipilus: a. basidiocarps (holotype), b. basidiospores (holotype), c. section through hymenium (holotype), d. basidia (holotype, Le 206), e. pleurolamprocystidia (Le 273, 184), f. cheilocystidia (Le 184, 206, 273), g. pseudopleurocystidia (Le 273) (scale bar = 10 μm, scale bar basidiocarps = 1 cm).

Fig. 3 Lactarius longipilus: section through pileipellis (holotype) (scale bar = 10 μm).




Van de Putte K, Nuytinck J, Stubbe D, Le HT, Verbeken A. 2010 – Lactarius volemus sensu lato (Russulales) from northern Thailand: morphological and phylogenetic species concepts explored. Fungal Diversity45, 99–130.



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Supported by 
National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) 

Project entitled:
“Total fungal diversity in a given forest area with implications towards species numbers, chemical diversity and biotechnology” (Grant no. N42A650547).


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