Polyporales » Ganodermataceae » Ganoderma

Ganoderma sichuanense

Ganoderma sichuanense J.D. Zhao & X.Q. Zhang

Facesoffungi number. FoF 02721

Basidiome annual to perennial, with distinctly contracted base to stipitate, corky, becoming hard corky to woody hard when dry. Pileus 4.5–8 cm, up to 0.5 cm thick at the base, dimidiate, subreniform; upper surface when young pale yellow (3A3) to light orange (5A5), becoming brownish orange (7C8) when old, strongly laccate to partly laccate, distinctly concentrically sulcate, distinctly radially rugose. Spore deposit usually pale orange; margin abruptly paler, pale yellow, slightly lobate. Context duplex, not completely homogeneous in color, greyish orange (5B3) corky; generative hyphae (1.1–1.3 µm diam, colorless, thin-walled; binding hyphae (2.1–3.1) µm in diam., branched, with clamp-connections, skeleton hyphae (3.05–3.1) µm in diam. thick walled, sometimes branched, reddish brown in KOH, dextrinoid. Pore surface pale yellow when young, becoming brownish orange (6C4) when old; tubes up to 0.2 cm long in total, pale brown or smoky brown, without context layer between tube layers; pores sub circular. Basidiospores with a dark brown eusporium bearing thick echinulae, overlaid by a hyaline myxosporium, (8.2)8.3–9.8(10.2) × (5.6)5.7–6.8(7.3) µm (with myxosporium), (5.3)6.2–7.5(7.7) × (4.2)4.2–5.3(5.7) µm (without myxosporium), ellipsoid, Qm = 1.37 (n = 20). Lm = 9.09 µm, Wm = 6.27µm, Cutis 4–12 mm thick, pale brown streaks the cutis, a closely-packed palisade, yellowish brown, clavate terminal elements, about 15–30 µm long. Stipe flattened or sub cylindrical to cylindrical, lateral to horizontally lateral or eccentric, (6–9) × (1.5 along stipe) cm, dark brown (8F5). Material examined. THAILAND, Chiang Mai Province, Mae On District, (18°52.02'N, 99°18.18'E), eight specimens (MFU 16-2667, MFU 16-2668, MFU 16- 2669, MFU 16-2670, MFU 16-2671, MFU 16-2672, MFU 16-2673, MFU 16-2709).

Habitat: Rotten wood, in dry dipterocarp forest and in upper mixed deciduous forest and growing up from soil.

Distribution: Tropical and temperate regions of China; Thailand (this study)

Notes: Ganoderma sichuanense was originally described from the Sichuan Province in 1983 and was diagnosed as having a distinctly radially rugose pileus, with a verrucose or tuberculose upper surface; pore surface yellowish when young, becoming brown or black when bruised; and small spores (Fig. 2) distinguished from other Ganoderma species (Zhao and Zhang 2000). The size range of basidiospores was described as (7.4– 9.5 × 5–7) μm cum myxosp., in the original description (Zhao et al. 1983). Later, this range was updated to (7.8–10.4 × 5.2–6.4) μm cum myxosp. (Zhao et al. 1989, Zhao and Zhang 2000) and (9–11.5 × 6.5–8) μm cum myxosp. (Wang et al. 2012). In this study basidiospores were (8.2)8.3–9.8(10.2) × (5.6)5.7–6.8(7.3) μm cum myxosp., which lies within the range given by the original authors and is not distinct from those of basidiospores found in other specimens. Cao et al. (2012) stated that G. sichuanense differs from G. lingzhi in its sessile basidiocarps and smaller basidiospores (7.4–9.2 × 5–6.6) μm (Fig. 3). Furthermore, they revealed that the original description was a mix­ture of G. sichuanense and G. weberianum especially with the small spores and smooth or slightly echinulate eusporium. Ganoderma curtisii, originally described from North America (Moncalvo and Ryvarden 1997) is a sister taxon to G. sichuanense in the phy­logenetic estimate. Ganoderma flexipes, G. multipileum and G. tropicum are also closely related with G. sichuanense and are reported from China.


Fig. 1 Phylogram generated by maximum likelihood analysis of 5.8S-ITS rDNA sequences. Boot­strap support values for maximum likelihood (in black) greater than 70% and Posterior Probabilities (PP) from Bayesian Inference (in blue) ≥0.95 are given above branches. The tree was rooted with Tomophagus colossus. The strain numbers are mentioned after the species names. Specimens of the newly recorded spe­cies are indicated in red and type specimens are indicated in black bold. (Treebase ID 20740)

Fig. 2 Ganoderma sichuanense (MFU 16-2668). A upper surface B lower surface C cut side of pileus D pore surface E–H spore I generative hyphae J binding hyphae K skeleton hyphae. Scale bars: 10 μm.

Fig. 3 Microscopic structures of Ganoderma sichuanense (MFU 16-2668) A basidiospores B hyphae from trama C hyphae from context. Scale bars: 5 μm.



Poomsing, P., Pattanapanyasat, K., Wongsinkongman, P. and Soonthornchareonnon, N., 2013. Research and development of Ganoderma lucidum cultivated in Thailand. Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences40(3), pp.1-7.


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Supported by 
National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) 

Project entitled:
“Total fungal diversity in a given forest area with implications towards species numbers, chemical diversity and biotechnology” (Grant no. N42A650547).


Published by the Mushroom Research Foundation 
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