Polyporales » Polyporaceae » Panus

Panus conchatus

Panus conchatus (Bull.) Fr.

Index Fungorum number: 160358, Facesoffungi number: FoF 05597

Pileus shape 1.5–4.5 cm in diameter, initially lateral and reduced, some lateral when mature, usually single when pinhead, slightly to lateral with substantial, overlap expand from base when immature to mature, depressed at center, moderate to deeply indent in side-view when mature, smooth and slippery when wet, soft from center toward margin, sticky at base when fresh, and brittle when dried. Pileus surface color variable, initially pinkish (13A2) when young, pale pinkish (13A2), with fading to greyish red (11D4), purple grey (13B2), greyish magenta (13C4), slightly greyish red (11C6), darker toward margin, light orange (5A4) at center, and reddish-brown (9E7) when dried, rose (12A4) to bluish red (12A6) on bruising. Pileus texture pubescent with netted when young, and usually thin with silky. Pileus margin incurved, purple grey (13B2). Lamellae sub-distant, deeply decurrentes lines, become forking and anastomosing (joining crossways) at base, usually orange white (6A2), light orange (6A4), yellowish red (8B7), brownish red (8C8) at center toward the base when mature to old, pinkish (13A2), purple grey (13B2–13D2), reddish grey (12B2) toward pileus margin, and greyish ruby (12C3–12E4) when dried. Stipe sessile, 0.5–1.7 mm, scaly, with white (13A1) cottony, tough, downy, and strongly attached to the substrate. (Fig. 2)

Hyphal system: hymenophore – white (13A1) to yellowish white (4A2), soft and cottony. Context dense context layer, up to 2.7–4.3 μm diameter, white to purple grey (13B2) close to the base, mostly generative hyphae, thin-walled with clamp connections, colorless, simple septa, much branched, with a few branches in the distal end, and thick near the base, and lack of skeletal hyphae. Pileipellis structure cutis, trichoderm to intricate trichoderm. Basidia narrow clavate, with 4 sterigmata, 3.6–4.2 × 22.5–32.3 μm (x = 30). Basidiospores mostly oblong to sub-cylindrical, (1.6–)2.4–3.0–3.4(–3.6) × (3.6–)5.2–6.2–7.4(–7.5) μm (x = 2.7 × 5.9 μm, n = 50), ellipsoid (1.9–)2.8–3.2–4.0(–4.2) × (3.8–)5.2–6.3–7.5(–7.6) μm ( x = 3.3 × 6.2 μm, n = 50), and subglobose (2.2–)2.7–3.1–3.4(–4.0) × (2.7–)2.9–3.5–4.7(–5.4) μm ( x = 3.0 × 3.5 μm, n = 50), white (11A1), overlaid by a hyaline, with thin-walled when maturity, usually occurred suprahilar depression with a distinct hilar appendage. Lamellae 1.8–3.5 mm in width, generative hyphae, hyaline with clamp connections are prominent, 2.7–4.2 μm in width (x = 30); skeletal hyphae, hyaline, thin walled, metuloids abundant to occasional on edges of the lamellae, and broad rounded apex of metuloids.

Culture characteristics: initially produced thin white (13A1) mycelium and covered the media surface after incubation for 10 days, and tightly, scattered cottony after incubated 18 days.

Distribution: widespread in temperate regions.

Material examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, Kunming Botanical Garden, Kunming Institute of Botany, solitary on logwood of Pinus kesiya (Royle.) species, 25°07′58′N,102°44′39′E, on December 2017, T. Luangharn, herbarium number HKAS 97487, culture number KUMCC 18-0047.

Fig.1 RAxML tree based on a combined sequence dataset of ITS and LSU. Bootstrap values for

ML and MP are equal to or greater than 70%, and PP equal or greater than 0.90 are defined as

ML/MP/PP. The tree is rooted with Polyporus melanopus H6003449 and P. conifericola Cui9950.

Newly recorded species are indicated in black bold.


Fig. 2 Panus conchatus strain KUMCC 18-0047. a–b basidiocarps. c the fungal culture incubated at 25°C for 18 days. d–e clamp connection. f–o basidiospores. p–q cheilocystidia. r–s basidia. t metuloids and subhymenium. u generative hyphae. Scale bar: a–c = 1 cm, d–e, p–t = 5 µm, f–o = 2 µm, u = 10 µm.



Luangharn T, Karunarathna SC, Mortimer PE, Hyde KD, Xu J. 2019 Morphological and molecular identification of Panus conchatus (Polyporaceae, Polyporales) from Yunnan Province, China. Studies in Fungi 4(1), 253262.


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Supported by 
National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) 

Project entitled:
“Total fungal diversity in a given forest area with implications towards species numbers, chemical diversity and biotechnology” (Grant no. N42A650547).


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