Boletales » Boletaceae » Tylocinum

Tylocinum brevisporum

Tylocinum brevisporum Raghoonundon & Raspé

Mycobank number: MB841102, Face of fungi number: FoF 10255.

Basidiomata pileo-stipitate, small to medium-sized. Pileus (1.5–)2.0–2.5 cm in diameter, convex when young, becoming plano-depressed with age; margin deflexed to uplifted, surface finely tomentose, dull and dry, at first brown (7E4) to greyish-brown (8E3–8F4), becoming paler (8D3) near the margin with age; context 3–5 mm thick halfway to the margin, soft and fleshy, off-white, slightly browning on exposure. Stipe central, cylindrical, (3.4–)4.9–6.5 cm × 0.6–1.3 cm, surface even, dull and dry, scabrous, covered with granular squamules (dotted-verrucose), brownish-grey (7E2–8E2) when young to reddish-brown (8E5) to dark brown (8F5) with age, no colour change when bruised, basal mycelium off-white; context solid, fleshy, off-white, reddish-brown to dark brown near the stipe base (8F7) and in worm wounds, slightly browning on exposure. Hymenophore tubulate, subventricose, adnexed, slightly depressed around apex of the stipe, greyish-orange to brownish-orange when bruised. Tubes 3–6 mm long halfway to the margin, off-white, easily separable from one another. Pores ≤ 0.5 mm wide at mid-radius, regularly arranged, angular, off-white, turning brown to dark brown (8E5–8F5) when bruised. Odour fungoid. Taste bitter. Spore print not obtained. Basidiospores (6.7–)7.5–10–11.7(–11.8) × (3.1–)3.5–4.7–5.8(–5.9) µm (n = 50) Q = (1.7–) 1.79–2.15–2.5 (–2.61), ellipsoid in central view, oblong to subcylindrical in side view, smooth under light microscope, yellowish to brownish in KOH. Basidia 4-spored, (27–)27–37.4–54(–54) × (9–)9–12.3–19(–19) µm, clavate, yellowish to brownish in KOH, sterigmata up to 3 µm long. Cheilocystidia (19–)19.3–25.5–33(–35) × (4–)4.1–6–8.2(–8.5) µm, frequent, fusiform, thin-walled, yellowish to brownish hyaline in KOH and NH4OH. Pleurocystidia (40­–)41–53–69(–70) × (8–)7.4–12–16.6(–17) µm, thin-walled, fusiform to broadly fusiform with a long pedicel and sharp apex, occasionally containing yellowish inclusions, yellowish to brownish hyaline in KOH and NH4OH. Hymenophoral trama boletoid, elements smooth, cylindrical, hyaline, 5–10 µm wide. Pileipellis a trichodermium, hyphae terminations with 3–4 cells that are 5–11 µm wide and terminal cells 31–48 µm × 6–10 µm, colourless to slightly brownish in KOH. Pileus trama composed of interwoven hyaline hyphae 5–9 µm wide. Stipitipellis a disrupted hymeniderm with hyphae 3.7–7.4 µm wide, colourless to slightly brownish in KOH and caulocystidia (24–)24.5–35–47(–48) × (9–)9.2–12.4–16.9(–17) µm, thin-walled, clavate to broadly clavate with a sharp apex, yellowish to brownish hyaline in KOH and NH4OH. Stipe trama composed of cylindrical, hyaline, interwoven hyphae 3.7–7.4 µm wide. Clamp connections absent.

Notes: Morphologically, Tylocinumbrevisporum is similar to Tylocinumgriseolum, with which it shares the overall grey colour of the basidiomata and dark scabrous stipe surface. However, Tylocinumbrevisporum is more brownish as compared to the grey Tylocinumgriseolum. In addition, mentioned no discolouration in the context of Tylocinumgriseolum. The context of Tylocinumbrevisporum becomes slightly brown when bruised. The hymenophore of T.brevisporum changes to greyish-orange to brownish-orange when bruised as compared to the unchanging hymenophore of T.griseolum. Moreover, T.griseolum has relatively larger pores (up to 1.5 mm) than that of T.brevisporum (< 0.5 mm). The tubes in T.griseolum are also shorter than those of T.brevisporum. The basidiospores of Tylocinumbrevisporum [(6.7–)7.5–10–11.7(–11.8) × (3.1–)3.5–4.7–5.8(–5.9) µm, Q = (1.7–)1.79–2.15–2.5(–2.61)] are shorter and narrower than those of Tylocinumgriseolum [(11)12.0–14.5(16) × 4.5–5.5 µm Q = 2.60–3.22] from China. The basidia of T.brevisporum [(27–)27–37.4–54(–54) × (9–)9–12.3–19(–19) µm] are also slightly longer and broader than T.griseolum [30–45 × 10–12 µm]. reported that, for T.griseolum, the pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia are similarly-sized. In T.brevisporum, the pleurocystidia are longer than the cheilocystidia. Phylogenetically, T.brevisporum clusters with T.griseolum, together forming a well-supported clade (MLB/BPP = 93/1.00) i.e. the genus Tylocinum.


Fig 1. Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree inferred from the three-gene dataset (atp6, rpb2, tef1). The three Lanmaoa and three Baorangia species were used as outgroup taxa. Maximum Likelihood Bootstrap (MLB, left) ≥ 70% and Bayesian Posterior Probabilities (BPP, right) ≥ 0.95 are shown above supported branches. The new species is in bold.

Fig.2 a, b Basidioma of Tylocinum brevisporum (OR622) c Basidioma of Tylocinum brevisporum (holotype, BR 137).

Fig. 3 Microscopic features of Tylocinum brevisporum a Basidiospores b Basidia c, d Caulocystidia e Pleurocystidia f Cheilocystidia g Pileipellis. Scale bars: a = 5 µm, b = 10 µm, c,d = 10 µm, e = 20 µm,  f = 10 µm, g = 50 µm.


Raghoonundon B, Davoodian N, Phonemany M, Raspé O. 2021Tylocinum is no longer monotypic: Tylocinum brevisporum sp. nov.(Boletales, Boletaceae) from northern Thailand. Biodiversity Data Journal, 9.





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Supported by 
National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) 

Project entitled:
“Total fungal diversity in a given forest area with implications towards species numbers, chemical diversity and biotechnology” (Grant no. N42A650547).


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