Oudemansiella submucida
Oudemansiella submucida Corner
Index Fungorum number: IF 413651; MycoBank number: MB 431170
Basidiocarps small to medium-sized. Pileus 20-52 mm in diam, circular, plano-convex, subumbonate, grayish yellow (4B5) at disc, yellowish white (4A2) towards the margin, viscid when moist; context yellowish white, 4 mm thick at disc, fleshy. Lamellae ventricose, emarginated with decurrent tooth, yellowish white (4A2), with 4-6 series of lamellulae, close to subdistant, breath 10mm. Stipe 15-50 mm long, 1-2 mm broad at apex, 1-4 mm broad at base, cylindrical, central, fibrous, fistulose, surface yellowish white to greyish yellow finely longitudinally, covered with whitish hairs; annulus present; base of stipe subdiscoid enlarged; pseudorrhiza absent.
Basidiospores 18-24.5 × 16-21 µm [n = 50, Lm = 20.7, Wm = 18.1, Q = 1.08-1.21, Q = 1.14], subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, smooth, colourless, hyaline, thick-walled (up to 1µm thick). Basidia 62-82 × 20-29 µm, clavate, with slightly pinched base, 4-spored; thick-walled (up to 1.5 µm thick), basal clamp connections common; sterigmata 9-12 µm long. Pleurocystidia scattered, 140-210 × 40-51µm, clavate to broadly fusiform with obtuse apex to ventricose with prolonged subcylidri apex, copiosa, thick-walled (up to 1.5 µm thick), colourless, hyaline; basal clamp connections present but rare. Cheilocystidia numerous, 35-85 × 7-26 µm, clavate to subfusiform, hyaline, colourless, thin-walled, sometimes slightly thick-walled (up to 1.5 µm thick); basal clamp connections common. Pileipellis composed of partly mellifluous yellowish brown pigmented trama in which sphaeropedunculate, broadly clavate to clavate, thin-walled cells (24-50 × 7-25 µm); clamp connections common.
Habitat: Scattered on fallen trees, gregarious.
Specimens examined: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Prov., Mae Taeng Dist., Ban Pha Deng village, Pathummikaram Temple, forest trail, N19º06.288’ E98º44.473’, elev. 1050 m., rain forest dominated by Castanopsis armata, Dipterocarpus sp., Pinus kesiya. 15 July 2008, J.K. Liu 032 (MFU08 1350).
Distribution: China (Yang et al. 2009); Malaysia (Corner, 1994). New to Thailand.
Notes: Two basidiocarps were studied and both of them were in good condition. Oudemansiella submucida, belonging to section Mucidula (Yang et al. 2009) differs from O. yunnanensis Zhu L. Yang & M. Zang by its smaller spores. Furthermore, O. submucida has been treaded as O. mucida for a long time. However, Petersen et al. (2008) and Yang et al. (2009) demonstrated that the pileipellis of O. mucida is composed of coralloid terminal cellsstudy. (2009) demonstrated that the pileipellis of O. mucida is composed of coralloid terminal cells.
Fig. 1 Basidiocarp of Oudemansiella canarii; b-d. Basidiocarps of Oudemansiella aff. crassifolia; e-f: Basidiocarps of Oudemansiella submucida; g. Basidiocarp of Xerula sinopudens. Scale bars: a = 20 mm; b-d = 10 mm; e-f = 20 mm; g = 30 mm.
Fig. 2 Oudemansiella submucidia. a: Basidia; b: Spores; c: Pleurocystidia; d: Cheilocystidia. Scale bars: a = 20 µm; b = 10 µm; c, d = 40 µm.
Liu JK, Hyde KD, Zhao RL 2009 – Four species of Oudemansiella and Xerula newly recorded from Thailand. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 30: 341–353.
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