Agaricales » Physalacriaceae » Oudemansiella

Oudemansiella canarii

Oudemansiella canarii (Jungh) Höhn

Index Fungorum number: IF 17885; MycoBank number: MB 178851


Basidiocarps small to medium-sized. Pileus 26-65 mm in diam, circular, plano-convex, slightly depressed in center, white to brownish orange (5C3) at disc, white to yellowish-grey (4B2) towards the margin, often becoming whitish (3A2) to cream-colored after rainfall, viscid when moist; context white, 4 mm thick at disc, fleshy. Lamellae, ventricose, adnate with decurrent tooth, white (1A2) to yellowish-white (4A2), with 4-6 series of lamellulae, close to subdistant. Stipe 12-42 × 3-5 mm, cylindrical, central, curved, fibrous, solid, surface yellowish-white to yellowish-grey; annulus rudimental and fugacious; base of stipe subdiscoid enlarged; pseudorrhiza absent.

Basidiospores (18)20-27(28) × 18-25(26) µm [n = 80, Lm = 22.4, Wm = 21.1, Q = 1.00-1.18, Q = 1.07], globose to subglobose, occasionally broadly ellipsoid, smooth, colourless, hyaline, thick-walled (up to 2 µm thick). Basidia (Fig. 1a) 65-103 × 23-35 µm, broadly clavate to suburniform from a severely pinched base, 4-spored, thick-walled (up to 1.5 µm thick), sometimes thin-walled, basal clamp connections common; sterigmata 9-14 µm long. Pleurocystidia (Fig. 1c) scattered, 150-245 × 32-45 µm, fusiform, narrowly pedicellate, broadly proximally inflated, subcylindrical neck, rounded apex, thick-walled (wall up to 2 µm thick), colourless, hyaline; basal clamp connections common. Cheilocystidia (Fig. 1d) numerous, 50-100 × 10-38 µm, clavate to broadly clavate, hyaline, colourless, thin-walled, sometimes slightly thick-walled (up to 1 µm thick), basal clamp connections common, from a sterile edge along the margin of lamellae. Pileipellis an ixotrichoderm consisting of partly mellifluous brown pigmented trama in which fusiform to ellipsoid chains of cells are mixed with fiamentous hyphae, appearing as though an erect system but repent at or near-surface of glutin. The whole system arising from the congested interwoven outer pileus tramal hyphae as thin-walled, side branches, without clamp connections. Habitat: solitary in forest.

Habitat and known distribution: Scattered on fallen trees in forests. Africa (Singer 1964). ASIA: China; Indonesia; Japan; Malaysia; Singapore; Sir Lanka (Singer, 1964; Yang & Zang, 1993; Corner, 1994; Yang et al. 2009). AMERICA: Argentina; Brazil; Bolivia; Colombia; Mexico; Paraguay; Peru; Trinidad; United States; Uruguay; and Venezuela (Singer, 1964; Petersen et al. 2008). New to Thailand.

Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Prov., Mae Teng Dist., Tung Joaw village, forest trail, N19°08.07’ E98°38.90’, elev. 1300 m, secondary forest with Pinus kesiya, Castanopsis etc. 26 June 2008, J.K. Liu 014 (MFU08 1332); Doi Inthanon National Park, junction of Highway 1009 and road to Mae Chem, N19°31.58’ E 98°29.64’, elev. 1700 m, humid montane rainforest with Quercus, Castanopsis, Lithocarpus echinops etc.16 July 2008, J.K. Liu 034 (MFU08 1352).

Notes: Oudemansiella canarii, belonging to section Oudemansiella (Yang et al. 2009) is similar to O. platensis, but differs from the latter by the flecks or warts on the pileus which are persistent in O. platensis while they are easily washed off by the rain drops in O. canarii. Most importantly, the structure of the pileipellis of O. platensis has a lax ixotrichodermium composed of chains of elongate-fusiform cells ending in narrowly fusiform, fusiform or subclavate terminal cells and is different with O. canarii. Furthermore, warts on the pileal surface of O. platensis

are composed of moniliform to subglobose inflated cells intermixed with filamentous hyphae or mainly with filamentous hyphae which is more or less vertically arranged. In O. canarii the warts are composed of typical cylindrical cells, the hyphae are slender and the terminal cells become increasingly inflated, and eventually shorter and more broadly fusoid than the slender hypahe from which they arise (Petersen et al. 2008; Yang et al. 2009). In this study, the specimens are over mature, thus the pileipellis has stretched and become extensively distorted, disrupted and collapsed, in part due to gelatinization. At this stage it looks like a cutis. However, Yang et al. (2009), reported that the structure of the pileipellis in O. canarii-O. platensis complex can significantly vary at different stages of development. This is the same as observed by Yang et al. (2009).



Fig. 1 Basidiocarp of Oudemansiella canarii; b-d. Basidiocarps of Oudemansiella aff. crassifolia; e-f: Basidiocarps of Oudemansiella submucida; g. Basidiocarp of Xerula sinopudens. Scale bars: a = 20 mm; b-d = 10 mm; e-f = 20 mm; g = 30 mm.



Fig. 2 Oudemansiella canarii. a: Basidia; b: Spores; c: Pleurocystidia; d: Cheilocystidia. Scale bars: a = 20 µm; b = 10 µm; c, d = 40 µm




Liu JK, Hyde KD, Zhao RL 2009 Four species of Oudemansiella and Xerula newly recorded from Thailand. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 30: 341–353.




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National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) 

Project entitled:
“Total fungal diversity in a given forest area with implications towards species numbers, chemical diversity and biotechnology” (Grant no. N42A650547).


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