Lyophyllum decastes
The sporocarps of L. fumosum usually form a compact cluster with one common base and can look quite spectacular on the ground. The pileus is usually whitish gray to grayish brown, it starts out convex, or plane with a wavy margin and measuring up to 12 cm in diameter upon maturity. The surface is smooth, moist when fresh, and slightly fibrillose. The firm and solid stipe are cylindrical, nearly equal, and white. The gills are white, close, adnate to decurrent, sometimes notched and produce white spores. It has a somewhat mealy smell, and no trace of veil throughout the growth. The dense clump growth habit and grayish cap are characteristic of L. fumosum. (Fig. 1)
Use: A popular edible mushroom due to its wonderful taste.
Time of fruiting: This species fruits from the beginning of the rainy season until almost the end. June, July, August and September are the best times for this species in Yunnan.
Habitat: Grows in compact clusters on the ground, in conifer, especially pine, forests at an altitude of 3,300 m. It can be solitary.
Distribution: This species has been recorded in Europe, China and North America.
Fig. 1 The basidiomata of Lyophyllum decastes in field
Mortimer P. E., X J., Karunarathna S. C. & Hyde K. D. 2014–Mushrooms for trees and people: a field guide to useful mushrooms of the Mekong region. Kunming: The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).
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