Agaricales » Entolomataceae » Entoloma

Entoloma carneum

Entoloma carneum Z. S. Bi in Bi, Zheng et Li

Index Fungorum number: IF 129511

Pileus 1.6–4 cm latus, pallid carneus, rubrus in centro, planoumbilicatus, carneus, radium fibrillosus, per medium sulcato-striatus. Contexto albo, indoor, tenui, gustu mitis. Lamellae pallid carnoso-rubrae, distantes, inaequalis, adnexae. Stipes centralis, 3.5–7.8 cm longus, 2–4 cm crassus, albus, cylindricus, cavus, fibrus, striatus. Sporae quadratae, 8–9 μm, leaves, roseae. Pleurocystidia 44–49 × 12–13 μm, clavata. Cheilocystidia 47–53 × 6–8 μm, longiter clavata. Trama hymenophoralis parallelis. Epicute pilei ex hyphis repentibus, defibulatis. Gregarius ad terram in silvis. Pigment intracellular. Oleiferous hyphae

scattered in hymenophoral and pileal trama with cylindrical to clavate or irregularly shaped terminal cells. Brilliant granules present. Clamp connections rare. Spores 6.8–9.4 × 6.3–8.5 μm, Q = 1.0–1.1, cuboid to subcuboid. Basidia 36.8–41.1 × 11.3–14.0 μm, clavate, clamped, 4-spored. Lamellae edge sterile. Cheilocystidia 48.8–94.1 × 7.3–13.2 μm, narrowly clavate to clavate, occasionally subcapitate, often as chains of elongated and clavate elements, colourless. Pleurocystidia not seen. Pileipellis a cutis of repent hyphae 3–6 μm wide with ascending terminal

Distribution: China (typus); Vietnam.

Collection examined: Vietnam, Lam Dong Prov., Lac Duong Dist., Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park, c. 2 km SSE of Klong Lanh village, path to Bidoup Mt, 12°07´33´´ N, 108°39´24´´ E, 1600 m alt., on soil in evergreen mixed forest, 25 June 2010, leg. O. Morozova, LE 262912. — Ibid., Giang Ly Ranger Station, 12°11´04´´ N, 108°41´10´´ E, 1450 m alt., on soil in evergreen mixed forest, 30 June 2010, leg. O. Morozova, LE 262931; 2 July 2010, leg. E. Popov, LE 262911. — Ibid., Langbian Mt, 12°02´35´´ N, 108°26´04´´ E, 1820 m alt., on soil in upper montane evergreen broadleaf forest, 04 July 2011, leg. Alexandrova, LE 262954

Notes: Entoloma carneum is recognized by its plano-umbilicate pileus with pinkish and purplish tints in its colouring and cuboid spores. Presence of clamp connections, oleiferous hyphae and brilliant granules in trama as well as the related yellow discoloration of context have not been mentioned in the protologue. The additional examination of the type specimen shows that E. carneum possesses these characteristics, which could develop in varying degrees. Pleurocystidia were not seen although reported in the protologue.

Fig. 1 Entoloma myriadophyllum (LE 262953 — holotype); b E. myriadophyllum (LE 253831); c E. inocephalum (LE262922); d, g E. altissimum (LE 262945, photo by N. Poyarkov); e E. carneum (LE 262912); f E. inocephalum (LE262921); h E. carneum (LE 262911), pileus; i E. pallideflavum (LE 262934). Bars 1 cm.


Fig. 2 Entoloma carneum (HMIGD(GDGM)7456.1 holotype): a spore; b basidium; c cheilocystidia. Bars 10 μm.



Morozova OV, Popov ES, Kovalenko AE. 2012 – Studies on mycobiota of Vietnam. I. Genus Entoloma: new records and new species. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya, 46(3), 182–200.



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Supported by 
National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) 

Project entitled:
“Total fungal diversity in a given forest area with implications towards species numbers, chemical diversity and biotechnology” (Grant no. N42A650547).


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