Clitopilus chalybescens
Clitopilus chalybescens T.J. Baroni & Desjardin
Index Fungorum number: xxx; Facefungi number: xxx
Pileus 21-26 mm in diameter, infundibuliform, depressed centre with undulate to lobed margin, splitting with age; surface dry, dull, silky-fibrillose; pure white, often changing colour to yellowish-white (2A2) in age. Lamellae decurrent, heavily crowded, narrow, white when young becoming pinkish white (10A2) with age. Stipe 20-25 mm, central, cylindrical, glabrous, dry, brittle, hollow, white overall, becoming yellowish white (2A2) with age. Odour strong, farinaceous.
Basidiospores 5.3-7.1 × 3.7-5.0 μm, (6.2 × 4.2 μm, Q=1.3-2.2, Qav=1.6; n=30), hyaline, or pale pinkish in mass, ellipsoid in profile and face views, with moderately prominent longitudinal ridges, angled in polar view. Basidia 15-21 × 5.1-7.7 μm, 4-spored, clavate. Lamellar trama of parallel or interwoven, hyaline, cylindrical hyphae. Pileipellis made up of loosely arranged, non-encrusted, hyaline, cylindrical hyphae. Clamp connections absent. (Figs 1–2)
Habitat and Distribution: Gregarious on soil associated with mosses, only reported from Thailand.
Material examined: THAILAND, Lampang Province: Chaeson, Maecham Village 18º 51’58.16’’N, 99º27’45.34’’E, alt.1010m, 13 June 2013, Kritsana Jatuwong & Thasanee Luangharn (MFLU13-0520); 13 June 2013, Kritsana Jatuwong & Thasanee Luangharn (MFLU13-0521).
Notes: Clitopilus chalybescens was first described from Thailand; and differs from C. doimaesalongensis by its dull, dry, opaque, silky-felty surface, pure white to pale greyish blue pileus, the central stipe, 5.5-7.5 × 3.6-4.8 μm ellipsoid basidiospores, and cylindrical hyphae in the pileipellis. The other closely related species to our new species are C. chrischonensis Musumeci Vizzini & Contu, C. cystidiatus Hauskn & Noordel and C. austoprunnulus Morgado, G.M. Gates & Noordel. Clitolipus chrischonensis was described from Switzerland, and differs from C. doimaesalongensis in its smooth cap surface, which is subglobose then irregularly convex and finally expanded without an umbo, cylindrical, 1-4 μm wide, 6-7 evident longitudinal ribs with 25-30 × 8-13 μm size basidiospores and, suprapellis consisting of cylindrical 1-4 μm wide hyphae. Clitopilus cystidiatus was described from Austria, and differs significantly in the slightly grey or greyish ochre tinges of the pileus, efibuiata with 4-spored, ellipsoid or oblong of basidiospores and encrusted pileipellis hyphae. Clitopilus austoprunnulus differs from C. doimaesalongensis by its uniformly pale grey pileus which is convex when young then expanding to concave or infundibuliform and narrow, sometimes with a slight brown tinge at the centre, and the pileipellis hyphae is cylindrical, 4-8 μm wide with dark brown walls. . (from Jatuwong et al. 2017)
Fig. 1 Basidiomata of Clitopilus chalybescens in the field, Scale bars A, B: 25 mm.
Fig. 2 Clitopilus chalybescens (MFLU13-0520) A. Basidiospores B. Basidia C. Pileipellis. Scale bars: A=10 μm, B=25 μm, C=10 μm.
Jatuwong K, Hyde KD, Karunarathna SC, Chamyoung S, & Kakumyan P 2017– Two species of Clitopilus (Entolomataceae, Agaricales) from Northern Thailand. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 44(1), 115-124.
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