Agaricales » Crepidotaceae » Crepidotus

Crepidotus striatus

Crepidotus striatus T. Bau & Y.P. Ge, in Ge & Bau

Faces of fungi number: FoF 150100, Mycobank number: 830020.

Basidiomata pleurotoid, small. Pileus 5–15 × 8–20 mm; labelliform, sapathuliform, rounded flabelliform to sub-rounded flabelliform, white to whitish when young then becoming light yellow (4A4) to brownish orange (5C3); surface smooth, moist, with slightly viscid; the point of attachment covered by white woolly hyphae; margin deflexed to inflexed, becoming straight to reflexed with age, inconspicuous striae, crenate. Lamellae 1–2 mm, decurrent, white to whitish becoming slightly brownish orange to brown with age (5C3, 5E4), moderately crowded, in 4–5 tiers. Stipe 1 mm long, or sometimes pseudostipe, whitish, translucent, cylindrical, with tomentose. Context thin, translucent, Odor mild. Taste none. Spore prints brown (6E6).

Basidiospores [150/3/2] (6.8–)7.3–8.0(–8.6) × (4.1–)5.2–5.4– 6.2(–6.7) µm, Q = (1.3–)1.36–1.67–2.01(–2.03), ellipsoid to elongate (oblong) in side view, light brown, smooth, thin-walled, inamyloid. Basidia (21–)21–25.8–35(–37) × (5–)5.3–7.3–10.5(–11) µm, subclavate to clavate, with 2 to 4 sterigmata, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled. Cheilocystidia (24.5–)24.7–35–43.6(–44.1) × (7.6–)7.6–11.5–14.5(–14.5) µm, lageniform. Pleurocystidia absent. Hymenophoral trama irregular, hyphae 5–8 µm wide. Pileipellis a cutis, parallel hyphae 4–8 µm, branched hyphae up to 30 µm, with pileocystidia-liked terminal elements (41.1–)41.1–65.6–85.4(–85.4) × (4.1–)4.1–6.2–8(–8) µm. Clamp connections present in pileipellis, and hymenophoral trama.

Habitat and distribution: — Saprobic on a dead branch, scattered by 3–8 basidiomata. This has been found in China, and Thailand (this study).

Additional specimens examined: — THAILAND. Chiang Mai Province, Mae Taeng District, Tha Pha Village, Highway 1095 at 22 km marker of Mae Ma Lai-Pai Road, 19°07'36''N, 98°45'48''E, 27 May July 2019, Monthien Phonemany (MFLU23-0441, MFLU23-0442).

Notes: — Crepidotus striatus described in China has pileus labelliform to semi-circular, white, with a distinctly striate margin, lamellae edge gelatinous, cheilocystidia lageniform, pileipellis a cutis with pileocystidia-like terminal elements (Ge & Bau 2020). The morphology description of C. striatus collected from northern Thailand fit well with the holotype, and together molecular analysis confirms that this is a new record, as in the phylogenetic Crepidotus striatus (HMJAU37087) was grouped with C. striatus (MFLU23-0441, MFLU23-0442).