Crepidotus lateralipes
Crepidotus lateralipes E. Horak
Index Fungorum number: 820577
Basidiomata pleurotoid, small to medium. Pileus 20–48 × 20–30 mm, flesh, hygrophanous, dimidate, flabelliform to sub- flabelliform, with incurved margin and straight when mature; white in the primordia stage, becoming yellowish white (4A2), pale yellow (4A3), yellowish grey (4B2), finally turning orange white (5A2) when mature; surface smooth, with exceeding margin. Lamellae 2 to 4 mm wide, adnexed, white when young, light brown to brown when old (5D4–5, 5E6), crowded, with more than five tiers of lamellulae, smooth edge. Stipe 2 × 1 mm present when young, cylindrical, white, smooth and not present when mature. Context 2–4 mm wide, white, yellowish white (4A2) to pale yellow (4A3). Odour mild. Taste not observed. Spore print brown (6E5) to cocoa brown (6E6).
Basidiospores [150/3/3] (4.9–)5.5–6.4–7.5(–8.0) × (4.3–)4.5–5.7–6.6(–6.9) µm, Q = (1.02–)1.04–1.13–1.28(–1.3), globose, rough or punctate, thick-walled, light brown. Basidia (16.7–)16.7–20.8–25.2(–25.3) × (7.1–)7.1–8.3–10(–10) µm, subclavate to clavate, with 2- to 4-spored, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled. Cheilocystidia absent. Pleurocystidia absent. Hymenophoral trama iregular, with cylindrical hyphae, 7–15 µm wide, hyaline, thin-walled. Pileipellis a cutis composed of cylindrical, and branched hyphae, terminal elements 60–90 × 9–13 µm. Clamp connections present in pileipellis and hymenophoral trama.
Habitat and distribution: — Saprobic on dead wood, scattered or fasciculate by 2–4 basidiomata. It has been found in New Zealand and Thailand (this study).
Additional specimens examined: — THAILAND. Chiang Mai Province, Pha Deng Village, Pa Pae Sub-district, Mare Taeng District, N19°07'14'', E98°43'53'', 27 May 2019, Monthien Phonemany (MFLU23-0440).
Notes: — Crepidotus lateralipes described from New Zealand character by having flesh, dimidate basidiomata, cream to golden yellow pileus, straight margin without striate, thick context, absent cheilocystidia, hymenophoral trama large hyphae 7–15 µm wide, and cutis pileipellis (Horak 2018). The Thai specimens were similar to specimens from New Zealand-type species, but the Thai specimens were larger basidiomata. However, Crepidotus lateralipes (MFLU23-0440) were closely related to Crepidotus lateralipes (PDD 72508) with high support (100%). Therefore, both morphology and phylogenetic analysis were used for species confirmation. This study confirmed that Crepidotus lateralipes (MFLU23-0440) is new to the literature in northern Thailand.