Verrucospora vulgaris
Verrucospora vulgaris Pegler
Pileus 15-30 mm, first parabolic, expanding to subumbonate, often convex to plano-convex, with straight margin, with completely yellowish brown (5F6-7) surface, often with darker colour, greenishbrown (5D3), then surface breaking, yellowish brown (5F6-7) at centre or umbo, with fine squamules around center, with fine squamules more distant from each other around umbo toward margin, when dry squamules turning dark brown to black on greyish yellow (2B4) background, at margin with velar squamules or fine squamules; margin fringed when mature and exceeding lamellae. Lamellae not really free, but sinuate, slightly crowded, with 3 series of lamellulae, ventricose to broadly ventricose 4-6 mm wide, pastel yellow to light yellow (2A4, 2A5), with eroded and concolorous edge, sometimes turning slightly bluish white (20A2) at edge. Stipe 40-66 × 2.8-5 mm, cylindrical, sometime wider at base or with bulb-like, 5-6 mm wide base, yellowish with (2A4) background at apex to base zone, slightly fibrillose and concolorous with background at apex, sometimes grayish-yellow (4B3, 4B4) from middle zone to base, glabrous or squamulose at annular zone downward base, conclorous with background, turned light brown (6D5-6) to dark brown (7F4, 7F5) and black when dried, with white to yellowishwhite (4A2) rhizomorphic mycelium at base and connected to substrate. Annulus with annular zone of yellowish-with (2A4) fibrillose, squamulose, grayish-yellow to light brown (4B3, 6D5-6). Context light yellow to grayish-yellow (2A5, 2B4) and 4-4.5 mm wide in pileus, sometimes turned bluish-white (20A2) but not much; in stipe, concolorous with surface, hollow, with white fibrils in hollow. Odour similar to odour of Leucoagaricus naucinus. Taste unknown. Spore print white in all collections. Basidiospores [100, 5, 5] 6.4-8.6 × 3.6-5.8 µm, avl × avw = 7.3 x 5.0 µm, Q = 1.25-1.63, avQ = 1.48, in side view slightly angular or verrucose in young stage, developing numerous papillae, becoming irregularly angular, pentagonal or star-like, with irregular angles in frontal view, dextrinoid, congophilous, cyanophilous, not observed in Cresyl Blue. Basidia 26-28 × 7.8-8.4 μm, clavate, slightly curved at base, thick-walled, hyaline, 4-spored, rarely 1- or 2-spored. Lamella edge sterile, with crowded cheilocystidia. Cheilocystidia 23-45 × 4.9-6.5 μm, cylindrical, or slightly irregularly cylindrical, sometime cylindrical and swollen at apex, rarely short narrowly clavate to slightly utriform, slightly thickwalled, colourless. Pleurocystidia absent. Pileus covering a trichoderm made up of erect, irregular, narrowly clavate, narrowly cylindrical elements, 60-88 × 13.6-15.2 μm, brown-walled, with brown parietal and intracellular pigment, often with short clavate elements under long elements, 25-35 x 9-12 μm, with pale brown parietal and intracellular pigment. Squamules on stipe covering with same structure as those of
pileus covering. Clamp connections present but not abundant.
Habitat and distributions: Growing solitary or in small groups, on humus soil with high nutrient source. Found in 2 kinds of deciduous forest; Huai Kok Ma (at Chiang Mai Province) is a forest with dominance with Castanopsis spp. And Lithocarpus echinops with abundant leave compost in forest floor; and a forest Doi Tung (at Chiang Rai Privince) is forest dominant with Pinus kesiya and coffee garden.
Material examined: THAILAND-Chiang Mai Prov., Muang Dist., Suthep Sub-Dist., Huai Kok Ma Village,
N18o48.62' E098o54.60', alt. 1145 m., 28 June 2010, J.M. Birkebak P81(MFLU100599); ibidem, 29 June 2010, P. Sysouphanthong P83(MFLU10 0601); ibidem, 29 June 2010, P. Sysouphanthong P86 (MFLU10 0604); ibidem, 10 July 2010, J.M. Birkebak P109 (MFLU10 0627); Chiang Rai Prov., Mae Fah Luang Dist., Doi Tung Sub-Dist., N20o 17.37', E99o49.08', Alt. 860 m., 17 July 2010, P. Sysouphanthong P122 (MFLU10 0640).