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Leucoagaricus croceus

Leucoagaricus croceus S.M. Tang & K.D. Hyde

Index Fungorum number: IF 557764; Faceoffungi number: FoF 08469

Pileus 30–60 mm in diam., subumbonate or plano-concave with obtuse umbo, reddish-orange (7A6-8) at center, becoming white (7A1) to pastel red (7A4) towards margin; volval remnants on pileus floccose to pulverulent when basidiomata young, smooth with age; trama white, unchanging. Stipe 30–50 × 3–5 mm, cream (1A2) to white (1A1); context white (1A1), unchanging, clavate; basal 8–12 mm diam., subglobose, thickening toward base. Annulus simple, located at the middle to upper part of the stipe, white (1A1), membranous. Basidia 15–20 × 9–10 μm clavate, 4-spored. Basidiospores (3.5–)4.1–7.2(–7.9) × (2.4–)2.6–4.4(–4.6) μm, Q = (1.00–)1.14 × 2.00 (–2.39) μm, N = 114, Qm = 1.59±0.25, ovoid to ellipsoid, colourless, thin-walled, smooth. Lamellar edge appearing as a sterile strip, composed of subglobose to ellipsoid cells (15–18 × 7–9 μm) thin-walled, colourless. Pleurocystidia and Cheilocystidia are absent. Lamellar trama 15–25 μm wide composed of abundant elongate cells. Pileipellis 60–80 μm thick, composed of parallelly, thin-walled, cylindrical, light brown to reddish-brown filamentous hyphae 6–8 μm thick. Clamp connections absent.


Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang Rai, Mae Fah Luang University, 3 June 2019, S.M. Tang (MFLU19-1331, holotype).

Notes: In our multi-locus (ITS, LSU, rpb2) phylogenetic analysis, Leucoagaricus croceus developed a clade to L. asiaticus. However, L. asiaticus has a dark brown to reddish-brown pileus and has relatively larger basidiospores 8–10 × 6–7 μm (Ge et al. 2015). Leucoagaricus crystallifer has basidiomata cream to pale ochre and cheilocystidia cylindrical to fusiform (Vellinga 2000). Leucoagaricus sultanii has yellowish-pink to dark yellowish-pink pileus and relatively wide basidia 21–27 × 7–10 μm (Hussain et al. 2018). Leucoagaricus croceus is also similar to L. croceus in their red basidiomata. However, L. badius has a clavate to fusiform cheilocysitidia, and has narrower basidia (6–8 μm; Hussain et al. 2018). Based on both morphological and molecular phylogeny we introduce Leucoagaricus croceus as a novel species.

Fig. 1 Phylogram generated from maximum likelihood analysis based on combined ITS sequence data representing Leucoagaricus. Related sequences were taken from Hussain et al. (2018). Ninety-six strains consisting of 823 characters after alignment with gaps. Lepiota magnispora (JN944089) and L. felina (EU416286) are used as outgroup taxa. The best scoring RAxML tree with a final likelihood value of -11514.256434 is presented. The matrix had 595 distinct alignment patterns, with 21.73% undetermined characters or gaps. Estimated base frequencies were as follows: A = 0.225629, C = 0.224430, G = 0.236067, T = 0.3413873; substitution rates AC = 1.383073, AG = 4.141789, AT = 1.520088, CG = 0.699209, CT = 4.433613, GT = 1.000000; gamma distribution shape parameter α = 0.444032. ML bootstrap values equal to or greater than 70%. Newly generated sequences are indicated in red. “T” refers to sequences from type specimens.

Fig. 2 Leucoagaricus croceus (MFLU19-1331, holotype). a–c Basidiomata. d Basidiospores.



 Manawasinghe IS, Calabon MS, Jones EBG, Zhang YX, Liao CF, Xiong Y, Chaiwan N, Kularathnage ND, Liu NG, Tang SM, Sysouphanthong P, Du TY, Luo M, Pasouvang P, Pem D, Phonemany M, Ishaq M, Chen JW, Karunarathna SC, Mai ZL, Rathnayaka AR, Samarakoon MC, Tennakoon DS, Wijesinghe SN, Yang YH, Zhao HJ, Fiaz M, Doilom M, Dutta AK, Khalid AN, Liu JW, Thongklang N, Senanayake IC, Tibpromma S, You LQ, Camporesi E, Gafforov YS, Hyde KD 2022 – Mycosphere notes 345–386. Mycosphere 13(1), 454–557, Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/13/1/3




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Supported by 
National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) 

Project entitled:
“Total fungal diversity in a given forest area with implications towards species numbers, chemical diversity and biotechnology” (Grant no. N42A650547).


Published by the Mushroom Research Foundation 
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