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Clarkeinda trachodes

Clarkeinda trachodes (Berk.) Singer.

Index Fungorum number: IF 294937; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07066.

Pileus 50–220 mm, first hemispherical to campanulate, expanding to convex or um-bonate, applanate to plano-concave, with straight or uplifted margin, with a large irregular patch at the center covering up to 1/3 of pileus, smooth or glabrous, light-brown (6D5–8) to brown (6E7–8), with yellowish-white or pale-yellow (4A3–4) to light-brown (6D5–8) squamules around patch toward the margin, on yellowish-white or pale-yellow (4A3–4) fibrillose background, with white velar remnants on top the central patch; margin split, with concolorous squamules same as on rest of pileus. Lamellae L = around 180, l = 1–3, 7–12 mm wide, free and remote (2.5 mm) from the stipe, white when young, becoming dull yellow (3B2) to greyish-yellow (4B2) and finally greyish-yellow (3D4) to olive (3C4), with a concolorous or white eroded edge. Stipe 80–150 10–28 mm (apex) 15–28 mm (base), wider at bulbous up to 25 mm wide base, tapering to apex, with white to yellowish-white or pale-yellow (4A3–4) surface, with concolorous squamules same as those on pileus, turning reddish-brown (8E5–7) when touched, hollow. Annulus up to 6 cm wide, attached at the upper part of the stipe, membranous, with eroded margin, fragile and ragged with age; upper side smooth or fibrillose, white to pale-yellow (4A3–4); underside covered with concolorous squamules as on pileus or stipe. Volva present, white. Context white and up to 8 mm thick in pileus with turning orange or reddish-brown (8E5–7), white and hollow in stipe with turning reddish-brown (8E5–7). Odor strong, a mixture of artificial fruit flavor and rubber. Taste not tried. Spore print greyish-yellow (3D4) to olive (3C4) or olivaceous yellow.

Basidiospores [25,1,1] 5.0–6.0 3.5–4.0 m, avl avw = 5.36 3.74 m, Q = 1.32–1.57, avQ = 1.43, ellipsoid ovoid in side-view, broadly to ellipsoid ovoid in frontal view, with trun-cate apex and germ pore, hyaline, thick-walled. Basidia 19–28 5–8 m, clavate, hyaline, thin-walled, 4-spored. Pleurocystidia absent. Cheilocystidia abundant, 20–50 12–35 m, clavate to broadly clavate, often subglobose to sphaeropedunculate with a short or long stalk, hyaline, slightly thick-walled. Pileus covering in squamules an epithelium composed of 4–5 layers of clavate or short clavate elements, often oblong to fusiform, rarely subclavate in the upper layer, 30–50 15–25 m; subglobose, oblong to clavate in the lower layer, 18–45 15–25 m; elements, with pale-brown to brown partial and intracellular pigment. Stipe covering in squamules same as those on pileus, stipe surface not observed. Clamp connections absent.

Habitat and distribution: growing solitary or in small groups, saprotrophic, on nutrient-rich soil, in the deciduous rain forest of northern Thailand.

Material examined: Thailand, Chiang Mai Province, Mae Taeng District, Pha Deng Village, alt. 900–950 m, 15 August 2011, P. Sysouphanthong, PS2011-12 (MFLU 19-2351); ibidem, 22 August 2007, P. Sysouphanthong (MFLU 09-0059); ibidem, 25 June 2007, E.C. Vellinga 3550 (UC); ibidem, 4 July 2008, E.C. Vellinga 3838 (MFLU 08-1227). Laos, Oudomxay Province, Xay District, Houay Houm Village, 16 August 2014, PS2014-752 (HNL502423).

Notes: Clarkeinda trachodes is commonly found in tropical regions of eastern and southern Asia. It has been recorded in Thailand before and Laos. This study provides a full description, line drawing, and color photos taken in the field. A new nrITS sequence data analysis showed that our new collection clustered together with specimens collected from Thailand, Bangladesh, and the type location in Sri.

Fig. 1 Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of the Agaricus clade in the Agaricaceae based on nrITS-LSU sequence data. New sequences generated from Thailand are in bold. Bootstrap values (ML/B) are given above the branches. Boot-New sequences generated from Thailand are in bold. Bootstrap values (ML/B) are given above the branches. Bootstrap strap values for maximum likelihood equal to or greater than ≥60 and Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 0.95 are placed values for maximum likelihood equal to or greater than 60 and Bayesian posterior probabilities 0.95 are placed above the above the branches. Genus abbreviations are as follows: A = Agaricus, C = Chlorophyllum, Cl = Clarkeinda, Co = Coniolepiota, E = Eriocybe, E = Eriocybe, H = Heinemannomyces, Ha = Hymenagaricus, Ps = Pseudolepiota, M = Micropsalliota, and X = Xanthagaricus. Chlorophyllum rophyllum rachodes Vellinga is an outgroup.



Fig. 2 Fresh basidiomata of Clarkeinda trachodes in situ. (a,b) MFLU 19-2351.

Fig 3. Microcharactersofof Clarkeinda trachodes (MFLU(MFLU192192-351)-351). (a.) basidiospbasidiospores().(b). basidia. (c). cheilocystidia. (d) pileus covering.



Sysouphanthong P, Thongklang N, Liu JK, Vellinga EC. 2021 Description of Lepiotaceous Fungal Species of the Genera Chlorophyllum, Clarkeinda, Macrolepiota, Pseudolepiota, and Xanthagaricus, from Laos and Thailand. Diversity, 13:666.




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Supported by 
National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) 

Project entitled:
“Total fungal diversity in a given forest area with implications towards species numbers, chemical diversity and biotechnology” (Grant no. N42A650547).


Published by the Mushroom Research Foundation 
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